Git and Github/GitLab and more

Git and Github/GitLab and more

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is a version control software (VCS).

Without a VCS in place, you’re probably working together in a shared folder on the same set of files. Shouting out to your team mates that you are currently working on file “xyz” and that, meanwhile, your teammates should keep their fingers off is not an acceptable workflow. It’s extremely error-prone as you’re essentially doing open-heart surgery all the time: sooner or later, someone will overwrite someone else’s changes.

With a VCS, everybody on the team is able to work absolutely freely - on any file at any time. The VCS will later allow you to merge all the changes into a common version. There’s no question where the latest version of a file or the whole project is. It’s in a common, central place: your version control system.

Other benefits of using a VCS are even independent of working in a team or on your own.

“Git”:” is one of the more popular version control softwares, and combined with repositories like GitHub, GitLab and other, we have an efficient way of organizing our documents and always be able to keep updated versions across platforms and devices.

The videos here give you a brief introduction to both Git and repositories like GitHub: