
If you ever get really stuck on an exercise, skip it and ask for help!

Exercise 1 - Variables

a) What is a variable? Why do you think they are called variables?

A variable is a storage adress associated with a variable name. Some value is stored at the adress. They might be called variables because their values can vary during the execution of a program.

b) Define two integers and print their sum.

a = 50
b = 21414
print(a + b)

c) Define two strings, add them together (+), and print the result.

first = "Bob"
last = " Ross"
print(first + last)
Bob Ross

d) Let a, b and c be declared like in the code below. Use a fourth variable to swap the values of a and b, and then b and c.

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3

temp = a
a = b
b = temp

temp = b
b = c
c = temp

e) What will this code output?

a = 3
b = a
a = 5

It will output 3, as b was defined to be the value of a when a was 3.

f) What is the difference between 3, 3.0, '3', '''3''' and "3"?

In order, their type is: integer, float, string, string, string.

g) What variable type should be used to store:

  • Whether Wednesday’s weather will water wallflowers

  • The number Wednesdays on which it has rained before

  • The probability of it raining on Wednesday

  • A description of Wednesday’s weather

  • Whether Wednesday’s weather will water wallflowers - boolean

  • The number Wednesdays on which it has rained before - integer

  • The probability of it raining on Wednesday - float

  • A description of Wednesday’s weather - string

h) What happens when you try to print the following:

  • 1/0

  • variableName(40)

  • "Ola" + 5

  • "Ola", 5

  • 1/0 - You will get a zero division error

  • variableName(40) - You will get an error as you are trying to call a function which is undefined. Or if variableName is a defined variable, you will get an error from trying to call a variable as a function.

  • "Ola" + 5 - You will get an error as you cannot add together strings and integer

  • "Ola", 5 - You will print “Ola 5”

Exercise 2 - Decisions

a) Write a program that prints whether a number is larger than 10.

number = 10

if number > 10:
    print("The number is larger than 10")
    print("The number is not larger than 10")
The number is not larger than 10

b) Write a program that declares two integers, smallest and largest. Make it so that if smallest is the largest number, the values are swapped.

smallest = 40
largest = 12

if largest < smallest:
    temp = smallest
    smallest = largest
    largest = temp

c) Write a program that grants any loan under 1 million to anyone between the ages of 18 and 80.

age = 33
loanAmount = 999999

if age > 18 and age < 80:
    if loanAmount < 1000000:

d) Write a program that grants a loan randomly, with different probabilites depending on some factor like gender, age or loan amount. (using randint())

from random import randint

age = 33
loanAmount = 999999

if age > 33: #50% of people older than 33 are given loans under 100k
    if randint(1, 2) == 1 and loanAmount < 100000:
else: #20% of people 33 or under are given loans under 100k
    if randint(1, 5) == 1 and loanAmount < 100000:

Exercise 3 - Random number generation

a) Write a program that prints a random whole number from 0 to 50.

num = randint(0, 50)

b) Write a program that prints a random even number from 0 to 100.

evenNum = randint(0, 50) * 2

c) Write a program that prints out “Heads” 49% of the time, “Tails” 49% of the time, and “Standing” 2% of the time.

result = randint(1,100)

if result <= 49: #1 to 49 is 49%
elif result <= 98: #50 to 98 is 49% 
else: #99 and 100 is 2%

d) Write a program that generates 5 random coin tosses (50% heads, 50% tails), and prints out the total number of heads.

heads = 0
heads = heads + randint(0,1)
heads = heads + randint(0,1)
heads = heads + randint(0,1)
heads = heads + randint(0,1)
heads = heads + randint(0,1)

print("The total number of heads is", heads)
The total number of heads is 5

e) Write a program that throws an error 50% of the time.

coin = randint(0,1)

if coin == 0: